How can I help the St. Mary’s Food Pantry?
The St. Mary’s Food Pantry is always in need of donations. Foodstuffs can be dropped off in the vestibule of the Church after Mass on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. Typical high-need items include canned meat and fish, canned fruits and 100% fruit juice, canned pasta, stew, chili, and other hearty soups, canned tomatoes, vegetables and pasta sauce, pasta, white and brown rice, dried beans, cold cereal, oatmeal and pancake mix, peanut butter and jelly, powdered or evaporated milk, baby food, formula, diapers and pull-ups and paper goods including toilet paper and paperNovember 4, 2018 towels. There is a need for low-sugar and low-sodium foods for those with special needs. Please no expired items.
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If you would prefer to provide a monetary donation rather than purchase an item, you may place a donation in the collection baskets provided it is in an envelope clearly marked St. Mary’s Food Pantry so that we can be sure it gets to the proper location.
If you are interested in volunteering in the food pantry, we are currently looking for people who can help deliver bags of food to the local Senior Citizens’ Complex. Volunteers would meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the St. Mary’s Parish Center and leave at 9 AM and would finish by 10 AM. If you are interested please contact the Pantry Coordinator at 973-235-1100.
As with all donations, we greatly appreciate the resources that you provide!