Parish Giving

What is Parish Giving?

Saint Mary’s Parish has decided to modernize our offertory program in an effort to augment and better manage your stewardship dollars. We have engaged Parish Giving to provide our parishioners with an opportunity to make your offertory and other contributions through Electronic Funds Transfer. The program is available at no cost to parishioners.

What is Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
EFT is the mechanism that allows you to make a transaction directly from your bank account to the parish every month. You may also use credit cards to make these transactions. Your financial information is safeguarded using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technologies, the same encryption technology employed by banks and other financial institutions.

How does this help Saint Mary’s Parish?
EFT benefits the parish in many ways. By the very nature of automated giving, the parish will experience an increase in the amount received each month because there will be no missed weeks due to illness, vacation, inclement weather, etc. Further, budgeting becomes an easier task as fluctuations in individual giving is all but eliminated

How does it work?
To enroll in the program, logon to Saint Mary’s Parish at and click on the link for Parish Giving. This will bring you to the Parish Giving home page where you start the initial registration process. After completing the registration, you can pick your preferred payment method (bank transfer or credit card). Due to the inevitable credit card fees, we do ask you to consider bank transfer if it is within your means. Once that is complete you will be directed to a different page that lists our parish’s various contribution opportunities.

When can I start?
You can begin this program immediately. For more information please consult the FAQ’s on the Parish Giving home page

Please prayerfully consider whether this convenient program might be a viable option for your family. It will go a long way in fortifying the fiscal health of our parish.